u16suzuの blog


ActiveRecord snipets

# user_id 10000から20000 で、 photo が nullでない UserImageを検索

UserImage.where("photo is not null").where( :user_id => 10000..20000).first 100

# OR search

User.where("chat_id = ? or chat_id =?", "smith", "john")

# And search

User.where("chat_id = ? and chat_id =?", "smith", "john")

# Not

t = User.arel_table; User.where(t[:name].not_eq('taro')).all

# Order

User.order( "name asc")
t = User.arel_table; User.order(t[:name].asc)

# Range

User.where( id: 1..10 )

# Include

# null

User.where( photo: nil )

# not null

User.where( "photo is not NULL" )